4 Ways A Mentalist Makes Your Party Or Corporate Event Unforgettable

A mentalist makes your event more memorable. A birthday party celebrates gaining another year on life. A corporate event celebrates another year in business and signals to everyone else in your industry that you are successful and thriving. A party magician or corporate mentalist — in NYC, on location, or via remote — amplifies your message by engaging all guests in spirit and conversation.

For your party or event, you may be considering entertainment like a musician, comedian, string quartet, or yes, a mentalist or magician. But a musician, however, can cost much more than a mentalist, though, to cover expenses like the shipping or other transport of their instruments. With a magician or mentalist, you add as much value as possible to your party or corporate event.

1. A mentalist breaks up the dull routine of daily life.

You have probably seen and experienced a lot of things such that nothing surprises you anymore. To you, life is routine such that you are out of new things to do on your birthday. A day or evening with mentalist Alex Voz, though, is something extraordinary.

Alex’s feats of mentalism, showcased in New York and around the world, reinvigorate your guests’  joy for living and breathe fresh air into stale, rubber-chicken corporate events. Hire corporate magician Alex Voz, invite clients and customers, and get ready to be reminded that you haven’t seen everything yet.

2. A mentalist gets everyone at your party or event involved.

A corporate entertainer shouldn’t stay glued to the stage, and a party should be active and inviting to everyone present. Mentalist Alex Voz does closeup magic for small groups of party guests or event attendees, too. Great illusionists play their tricks on and off the stage.

3. A mentalist brings people together.

Not only does magician Alex Voz energize crowds with inexplicable stunts, but his mentalism gets people talking to each other asking “How did he do that?” And he loves it when audiences band together to try to trick him. Who wants a boring birthday party anyway? Get corporate illusionist for hire Alex Voz to boost morale and bridge different departments.

4. A mentalist keeps people talking long after your party or event is over.

With catering, décor, fashions, and even champagne, most party guests and corporate event attendees post a few pics on Instagram or Facebook and forget about it. Your mentalism show with Alex Voz, though, is a personal experience you can’t snap a photo of.

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